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Record number:
4022 b

Én édes párom szállj velem

Artist: Harmath Ilona, Gózon Gyula, ismeretlen zenész (zongora); Composer: Szirmai Albert - Harsányi Zsolt
Publisher: Derby-Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
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Record number:
4023 a
Genre: duett
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Record number:
4023 b

Drága, drága, drágicám

Artist: Harmath Ilona, Gózon Gyula, ismeretlen zenész (zongora); Composer: Zerkovitz Béla - Mérei Adolf
Publisher: Derby-Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: duett
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Record number:
4025 a

Nyaralás a spájzban

Artist: Hunyadi Emil, Huber Sándor[?] (zongora); Composer: -
Publisher: Derby-Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: kuplé
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Record number:
4025 b

Ó nem Lizi…

Artist: Hunyadi Emil, Huber Sándor[?] (zongora); Composer: -
Publisher: Derby-Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: kuplé
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Record number:

Der kreuzfidele Kupferschmied

Artist: ismeretlen zenekar; Composer: Carl Peter
Publisher: Derby-Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: jellemkép
10060 plays
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Record number:

Die schöne Müllerin

Artist: ismeretlen férfikar, Proto-Orchester; Composer: -
Publisher: Derby-Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
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Record number:

Liebliche, kleine Dingerchen

Artist: Stettiner Sänger, Favorite-Orchester; Composer: Jean Gilbert
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: two-step
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Record number:

In der Nacht

Artist: Stettiner Sänger, Favorite-Orchester; Composer: Jean Gilbert
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: two-step
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Record number:

Liebliche, kleine Dingerchen

Artist: ismeretlen zenekar, R. Weiss (harangjáték); Composer: Jean Gilbert
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: two-step
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Record number:

In der Nacht

Artist: ismeretlen zenekar, R. Weiss (harangjáték); Composer: Jean Gilbert
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: two-step
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Record number:

Lári-fári keringő

Artist: Banda Marci ifj. cigányzenekara; Composer: Kálmán Imre
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
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Record number:

Korporal Vranyek szobavizitet tart (I. rész)

Artist: Hajnal Dezső, ismeretlen zenész (trombita); Composer: -
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
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Record number:

Korporal Vranyek szobavizitet tart (II. rész)

Artist: Hajnal Dezső, ismeretlen zenész (trombita); Composer: -
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
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Record number:

Éljen a munkásünnep! (I. rész)

Artist: Hajnal Dezső és társulata, ismeretlen cigányzenekar; Composer: -
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
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Record number:

Éljen a munkásünnep! (II. rész)

Artist: Hajnal Dezső és társulata, ismeretlen cigányzenekar; Composer: -
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
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Record number:


Artist: Harmath Ilona, Nádor Jenő, Király Színház zenekara, Vezényel: Vincze Zsigmond; Composer: Kálmán Imre - Harsányi Zsolt
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: duett
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Record number:

Lári-fári keringő

Artist: Harmath Ilona, Nádor Jenő, Király Színház zenekara, Vezényel: Vincze Zsigmond; Composer: Kálmán Imre - Harsányi Zsolt
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
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Record number:
1-012169 U

Joupla, Joupla

Artist: Favorite zenekar; Composer: Edmund Eysler
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
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Record number:

Bor, bor, de jó a bor

Artist: Gózon Gyula, ismeretlen zenekar, Gózon Gyula (fütty); Composer: Edmund Eysler
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1913 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
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4301-4320 / total 5000 hit

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