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Record number:
No. 34891.

Loin du Bal

Artist: Odeon-Orchester; Composer: Ernest Gillet
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1906 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
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Record number:
No. 34893.

Espana - Walzer

Artist: Odeon-Orchester; Composer: Émile Waldteufel
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1906 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
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Record number:
No. 34934.


Artist: Gustav Schönwald, ismeretlen zenekar, Guido Gialdini (fütty); Composer: -
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1906 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
34934 plays
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Record number:
No. 34949.


Artist: ismeretlen zenekar, Vezényel: Kark, Guido Gialdini (fütty); Composer: Alberto Pestalozza
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1906 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
34934 plays
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Record number:
No. 35079.

Hej, ha tudtad, hogy nem szeretsz

Artist: Pintér Imre, ismeretlen zenész (zongora); Composer: -
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1905 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: hallgató
35079 plays
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Record number:
No. 35080.

Amikor én egy kicsikét becsípek…

Artist: Pintér Imre, ismeretlen zenész (zongora); Composer: népdal
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1905 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: hallgató
35079 plays
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Record number:
No. 35098.

A magyarok istene

Artist: Ney Dávid, Dienzl Oszkár (zongora); Composer: Erkel Ferenc - Petőfi Sándor
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1905 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: dal
35098 plays
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Record number:
No. 35104.

Magyar Himnusz

Artist: Magy. kir. Operaház férfikara, Dienzl Oszkár (zongora); Composer: Erkel Ferenc - Kölcsey Ferenc
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1905 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: himnusz
35104 plays
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Record number:
No. 35110.

Gara nádor nagy áriája

Artist: Ney Dávid, Dienzl Oszkár (zongora); Composer: Erkel Ferenc - Egressy Béni
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1905 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: ária
35098 plays
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Record number:
No. 35116.

Eltörött a hegedűm

Artist: Várady Sándor, Dienzl Oszkár (zongora); Composer: Dankó Pista - Békefi Antal
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1905 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: hallgató
35104 plays
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Record number:
No. 35123.

Rákóczi induló

Artist: I. Honvéd zenekar, Vezényel: Bachó István; Composer: Hector Berlioz
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1905 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: induló
35123 plays
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Record number:
No. 35125.

Magyar Himnusz

Artist: I. Honvéd zenekar, Vezényel: Bachó István; Composer: Erkel Ferenc
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1905 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: himnusz
35123 plays
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Record number:
No. 35207.

Hull a zápor künn a pusztán

Artist: Pintér Imre, Kende Frigyesné (zongora); Composer: Dóczy József - Dóczy József
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1906 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: hallgató
35207 plays
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Record number:
No. 35209.

Gyere velem akáclombos falumba

Artist: Pintér Imre, Kende Frigyesné (zongora); Composer: Balázs Árpád - Fényes Lóránd
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1906 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: hallgató
35207 plays
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Record number:
No. 35219.
35219 plays
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Record number:
No. 35225.
35219 plays
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Record number:
No. 35239.


Artist: Kornay Richárd, Schweida Rezső (zongora); Composer: Gioacchino Rossini - Szerdahelyi József
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1906 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: ária
35239 plays
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Record number:
No. 35250.


Artist: Takáts Mihály, Schweida Rezső (zongora); Composer: Georges Bizet - Ábrányi Kornél id.
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1906 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: ária
35239 plays
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Record number:
No. 35276.

69-ik ezred indulója

Artist: Cs. és kir. 69. gyalogezred zenekara, Vezényel: Král József; Composer: -
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1906 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: induló
35276 plays
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Record number:
No. 35277.

Csárdás induló

Artist: Cs. és kir. 69. gyalogezred zenekara, Vezényel: Král József; Composer: -
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1906 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: induló
35276 plays
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261-280 / total 368 hit

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