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Record number:
A 197595a

Tíz után

Artist: Kalmár Pál, Odeon tánczenekar (Bohrandt-Weidinger); Composer: de Fries Károly - Szécsén Mihály
Publisher: Odeon;
Date of recording: 1937; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: slowfox
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Record number:
A 198270-a

Aki autón járni óhajt

Artist: Turay Ida, Chappy tánczenekara; Composer: Eisemann Mihály - Füredi Imre
Publisher: Odeon;
Date of recording: 1943; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: foxtrot
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Record number:
A 198270-b


Artist: Turay Ida, Chappy tánczenekara; Composer: Eisemann Mihály - Eisemann Mihály
Publisher: Odeon;
Date of recording: 1943; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: kuplé
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Record number:
MF 166-a


Artist: Gorody G. Antal, Martiny zenekar (arr: Martiny Lajos); Composer: David Raksin - Johnny Mercer
Publisher: Odeon;
Date of recording: 1947 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: slowfox
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Record number:
MF 166-b

To Each His Own

Artist: Gorody G. Antal, Martiny zenekar; Composer: Jay Livingston - Ray Evans
Publisher: Odeon;
Date of recording: 1947 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: slowfox
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Record number:
A 198360-a

Styriában Ajk faluban mi történt

Artist: Cselényi József, Szendlay László cigányzenekara; Composer: népdal
Publisher: Odeon;
Date of recording: 1943; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: hallgató
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Record number:
A 198360-b

Bujdokolva járok

Artist: Cselényi József, Szendlay László cigányzenekara; Composer: Huszka Jenő - Huszka Jenő
Publisher: Odeon;
Date of recording: 1943; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: ballada
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Record number:
RB 450

Tele van a város akácfavirággal

Artist: Orbán Sándor, Veres Károly cigányzenekara; Composer: Fráter Lóránd - Szabolcska Mihály
Publisher: Radiola;
Date of recording: 1943; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: hallgató
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Record number:
DAC 46.328

Mikor egy álom visszatér

Artist: Lantos Olivér, Durium zenekar; Composer: Vértes Henrik - Ilniczky László
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1946; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: tangó
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Record number:
DAC 46.328

Hófehér gyöngyvirág

Artist: Lantos Olivér, Durium zenekar; Composer: de Fries Károly - Szécsén Mihály
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1946; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
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Record number:
A 42

Oh Donna Rita

Artist: Sebő Miklós, ismeretlen kórus, Domina tánczenekara; Composer: Dékán Frigyes - Ilniczky László
Publisher: Kristály;
Date of recording: 1934; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
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Record number:
A 42

Hová járunk ezután

Artist: Sebő Miklós, Domina tánczenekara; Composer: Eisemann Mihály - Kellér Dezső
Publisher: Kristály;
Date of recording: 1934; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
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Record number:
D 10.042

Ezt a nagy szerelmet

Artist: Karády Katalin, Pátria-Magyar Revü Tánczenekar; Composer: Orlay "Chappy" Jenő - Orlay "Chappy" Jenő
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1942; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: slowfox
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Record number:
D 10.042

Nincs kegyelem

Artist: Karády Katalin, Pátria-Magyar Revü Tánczenekar; Composer: Sándor Jenő - Füredi Imre
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1942; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
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Record number:
D 10.019


Artist: Nagykovácsi Ilona, Pátria zenekar, Vezényel: Polgár Tibor; Composer: Norbert Schultze - Polgár Tibor
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1941; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: dal
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Record number:
C 22


Artist: Feller Sándor, Dubán-Feller jazzegyüttes; Composer: Szabó Ernő
Publisher: Mesterhang!;
Date of recording: 1946 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: foxtrot
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Record number:
C 22

Nincsen olyan lány…

Artist: Feller Sándor, ismeretlen kórus, Dubán-Feller jazzegyüttes; Composer: népdal
Publisher: Mesterhang!;
Date of recording: 1946 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: csárdás
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Record number:

Tiroler Holzhackerbuam

Artist: Dacapo-Orchester; Composer: Josef Franz Wagner
Publisher: Dacapo-Record;
Date of recording: 1906 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: induló
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Record number:

Steuermannslied und Matrosenpolka

Artist: Dacapo-Orchester; Composer: Richard Wagner
Publisher: Dacapo-Record;
Date of recording: 1906 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
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Record number:

Erinnerung an Wagner's Tannhäuser

Artist: Dacapo-Orchester; Composer: Richard Wagner
Publisher: Dacapo-Record;
Date of recording: 1906 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
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2701-2720 / total 5000 hit

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