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Record number:
D 10.013

Halálos tavasz

Artist: Karády Katalin, ismeretlen zenekar; Composer: Polgár Tibor - Nadányi Zoltán
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1939; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
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Record number:
D 10.019


Artist: Nagykovácsi Ilona, Pátria zenekar, Vezényel: Polgár Tibor; Composer: Norbert Schultze - Polgár Tibor
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1941; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: dal
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Record number:
D 10.019


Artist: Nagykovácsi Ilona, Pátria férfikar, Pátria Rádiózenekar; Composer: Egyed Miklós - Horváth László
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1941; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: dal
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Record number:
D 10.013

Gyűlölöm a vadvirágos rétet

Artist: Karády Katalin, Pátria Rádiózenekar, Vezényel: Polgár Tibor; Composer: Polgár Tibor - Polgár Tibor
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1941; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: tangó
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Record number:
D 10.042

Ezt a nagy szerelmet

Artist: Karády Katalin, Pátria-Magyar Revü Tánczenekar; Composer: Orlay "Chappy" Jenő - Orlay "Chappy" Jenő
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1942; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: slowfox
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Record number:
D 10.042

Nincs kegyelem

Artist: Karády Katalin, Pátria-Magyar Revü Tánczenekar; Composer: Sándor Jenő - Füredi Imre
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1942; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
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Record number:
D 46.437

Lena From Palesteena

Artist: Filu and his Swingers; Composer: Con Conrad, J.Russel Robinson
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1946; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: swing
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Record number:
DAC 46.328

Mikor egy álom visszatér

Artist: Lantos Olivér, Durium zenekar; Composer: Vértes Henrik - Ilniczky László
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1946; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: tangó
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Record number:
DAC 46.328

Hófehér gyöngyvirág

Artist: Lantos Olivér, Durium zenekar; Composer: de Fries Károly - Szécsén Mihály
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1946; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
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Record number:
D 46.437

Hey! Ba-Ba-Re-Bop

Artist: ismeretlen kórus, Filu and his Swingers, Vezényel: Schenkelbach Fülöp; Composer: Lionel Hampton - Curley Hamner
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1946; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: swing
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Record number:
DAC 47.386

Hogyha az a bajod…

Artist: Kazal László, Durium zenekar; Composer: Jáhn Antal - Pártos Jenő
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1947; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
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Record number:
DAC 47.386

Ha a különbséget zongorázni tudnám

Artist: Kazal László, Durium zenekar (Arr.: Ticho Tamás); Composer: Malcsiner Béla - Kristóf
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1947; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
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Record number:
DAC 47.340

Te nem hazudsz, mert jó vagy

Artist: Fényes Kató, Durium zenekar; Composer: Bernie Wayne - G. Dénes György
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1947; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: slowfox
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Record number:
DAC 47.340

A haja szőke volt

Artist: Lantos Olivér, Durium zenekar; Composer: Orlay "Chappy" Jenő - Lantos Olivér
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1947; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: slowfox
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Record number:
DAC 48.399

Mondd, nem kívánsz te túl sokat?

Artist: Karády Katalin, Durium zenekar; Composer: Hegedűs Tamás - Szenes Iván
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1948; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: slowfox
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Record number:
DAC 48.391

Nem mondhatom el

Artist: Lantos Olivér, Durium zenekar; Composer: Horváth Jenő - Rákosi János
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1948; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: rumba
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Record number:
DAC 48.399

Próbáljuk meg újra

Artist: Karády Katalin, Durium zenekar; Composer: Horváth Jenő - Rákosi János
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1948; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
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Record number:
DAC 48.391

A körúton bolyongtam

Artist: Lantos Olivér, Durium zenekar (Arr.: Polgár Tibor); Composer: Gyöngy Pál - Rákosi János
Publisher: Durium-Patria;
Date of recording: 1948; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: slowfox
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1-18 / total 18 hit

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