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Record number:

Heut trink'n ma noch a Flaschel Wein

Artist: Max Jauner, D'Grinzinger, D'Grinzinger; Composer: -
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1905 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: bécsi dal
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Record number:
G. C.-2-44168

Lieder-Potpourri (I. Teil)

Artist: ismeretlen kórus, D' Grinzinger; Composer: -
Publisher: Gramophone Concert Record;
Date of recording: 1905 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
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Record number:
G. C.-2-44172

Lokale Ausdrücke

Artist: ismeretlen kórus, D' Grinzinger; Composer: -
Publisher: Gramophone Concert Record;
Date of recording: 1905 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: bécsi dal
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Record number:
G. C.-2-44171

Ah da schau i jo!

Artist: ismeretlen kórus, D' Grinzinger; Composer: -
Publisher: Gramophone Concert Record;
Date of recording: 1905 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: bécsi dal
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Record number:
R 669

A Verbunkos (I. rész)

Artist: "D'Lanner" Original Trocadero-Ensemble; Composer: Josef Lanner
Publisher: Rena Record;
Date of recording: 1906 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
2401 plays
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Record number:
R 669

A Verbunkos (II. rész)

Artist: "D'Lanner" Original Trocadero-Ensemble; Composer: Josef Lanner
Publisher: Rena Record;
Date of recording: 1906 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
2401 plays
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Record number:
G. C.-2-44235

O, du süasse Weanamusi

Artist: ismeretlen férfikar, D' Grinzinger; Composer: -
Publisher: Gramophone Concert Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: bécsi dal
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Record number:
D 671


Artist: Original Grinzinger Sängern, Original Grinzinger; Composer: -
Publisher: "Diadal" Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: jódli
44837 plays
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Record number:
D 675


Artist: Jauner, Original D' Grinzinger; Composer: -
Publisher: "Diadal" Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: jódli
44840 plays
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Record number:
D 675

Der Turlhofer

Artist: Jauner, Original D' Grinzinger; Composer: -
Publisher: "Diadal" Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: jódli
44840 plays
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Record number:
D 671

Weaner, Weaner, schebern muss

Artist: Original Grinzinger Sängern, Original Grinzinger; Composer: -
Publisher: "Diadal" Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: jódli
44837 plays
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Record number:
G. C.-2-42829

Der Champus oder i

Artist: ismeretlen férfikar, D' Grinzinger; Composer: -
Publisher: Gramophone Concert Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: bécsi dal
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Record number:

In Burgermaster sein Namenstag

Artist: Josef Bauer Ensemble, ismeretlen zenekar; Composer: -
Publisher: Dacapo-Record;
Date of recording: 1908 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
1717 plays
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Record number:

Der Weltverdruss

Artist: Max Jauner, "Grinzinger"-Ensemble; Composer: -
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1908 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: dal
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Record number:

Weana Heurigen-Gstanzln

Artist: Max Jauner, "Grinzinger"-Ensemble; Composer: -
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1908 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: bécsi dal
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Record number:

Ein Ständchen

Artist: Josef Bauer Ensemble, ismeretlen zenekar; Composer: -
Publisher: Dacapo-Record;
Date of recording: 1908 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
1717 plays
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Record number:

Da Oalmaspitz

Artist: Max Jauner, "Grinzinger"-Ensemble; Composer: -
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1908 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: jódli
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Record number:

So a Räuscherl

Artist: Max Jauner, D'Grinzinger; Composer: -
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1908 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: bécsi dal
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Record number:

D' Schwaagerin

Artist: Max Jauner, "Grinzinger"-Ensemble; Composer: -
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1908 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: jódli
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Record number:
No. 2002.


Artist: Jumbola-Ensemble, ismeretlen zenekar, ismeretlen zenész (harangjáték); Composer: Georg Barsch
Publisher: Jumbola-Record;
Date of recording: 1908 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
2002 plays
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1-20 / total 55 hit

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