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Record number:

Die Hydropathen

Artist: Kgl. Bayrischen Musikmeisters Peuppus, Vezényel: Martin Fischer; Composer: Joseph Gungl
Publisher: Dacapo-Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
731 plays
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Record number:

Wiener Bürger

Artist: Kgl. Bayrischen 14. Infant-Regiments Hartmann, Vezényel: E. Burow; Composer: Karl Michael Ziehrer
Publisher: Dacapo-Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
781 plays
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Record number:

Wiener Bonbons

Artist: Kgl. Bayrischen 14. Infant-Regiments Hartmann, Vezényel: E. Burow; Composer: Johann Strauss id.
Publisher: Dacapo-Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
781 plays
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Record number:
532 a

Mein Lebenslauf ist Lieb' und Lust

Artist: Spezial-Orchester, Vezényel: Philipp Silber dr.; Composer: Josef Strauss
Publisher: A.B.C. Grand Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
44092 plays
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Record number:
532 b

Rosen aus dem Süden

Artist: Wiener Tonkünstler-Orchester; Composer: Johann Strauss ifj.
Publisher: A.B.C. Grand Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
44092 plays
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Record number:

Wiener Blut

Artist: Spezial-Orchester; Composer: Johann Strauss ifj.
Publisher: A.B.C. Grand Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
44481 plays
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Record number:


Artist: Spezial-Orchester, Vezényel: Philipp Silber dr.; Composer: Josef Strauss
Publisher: A.B.C. Grand Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
44481 plays
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Record number:


Artist: Mátyás Mátyás főkántor, ismeretlen zenész (orgona); Composer: -
Publisher: A.B.C. Grand Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
44090 plays
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Record number:

Kidusch von Rosch haschonoh

Artist: Mátyás Mátyás főkántor, ismeretlen zenész (orgona); Composer: -
Publisher: A.B.C. Grand Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
44090 plays
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Record number:

En komaucho, G-dúr

Artist: Israel Tkatsch főkántor, ismeretlen férfikar, ismeretlen zenész (zongora); Composer: -
Publisher: Szabadi Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
40001 plays
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Record number:

Aw horachamim, G-moll

Artist: Israel Tkatsch főkántor, ismeretlen férfikar, ismeretlen zenész (zongora); Composer: -
Publisher: Szabadi Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
40001 plays
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Record number:

Zsindelyezik a kaszárnya tetejét

Artist: Pintér Imre, ismeretlen zenész (zongora); Composer: Sas Náci
Publisher: Szabadi Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: hallgató
40032 plays
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Record number:

Darumadár útnak indul

Artist: Pintér Imre, ismeretlen zenész (zongora); Composer: Dóczy József - Dóczy József
Publisher: Szabadi Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: hallgató
40032 plays
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Record number:
Genre: hallgató
40018 plays
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Record number:

Felleg borult az erdőre

Artist: Pintér Imre, ismeretlen cigányzenekar; Composer: Mosonyi Mihály - Tóth Kálmán
Publisher: Szabadi Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: hallgató
40018 plays
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Record number:

Gretchens Traum nach dem ersten Ball

Artist: ismeretlen zenekar, ismeretlen füttyművész; Composer: Carl Wappaus
Publisher: Parlament-Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
50 plays
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Record number:


Artist: ismeretlen zenekar, ismeretlen füttyművész; Composer: Leo Fall
Publisher: Parlament-Record;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
50 plays
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Record number:
W. 159.

Leise, ganz leise

Artist: Cs. és kir. "Probszt báró" 51. gyalogezred zenekara; Composer: Oscar Straus
Publisher: Lyrophon;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
159 plays
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Record number:
No. 1773.

Piccolo, Piccolo, tsin, tsin, tsin

Artist: Lyrophon-Orchester; Composer: Oscar Straus
Publisher: Lyrophon;
Date of recording: 1907 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
159 plays
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Record number:
W. 161.
Genre: hangkép
161 plays
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561-580 / total 5000 hit

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