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Record number:
No. 14531.


Artist: "Die lustigen Vier" Original Tiroler Instrumental-Quartett; Composer: -
Publisher: Odeon Record;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: polka
14516 plays
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Record number:

8. Magyar lassú csárdás egyveleg

Artist: Első Magyar Hanglemezgyár zenekara; Composer: -
Publisher: Első Magyar Hanglemez Gyár;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
10082 plays
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Record number:
D 1070

Egyszer mentem el a bálba / V betűben repülnek a darvak

Artist: Berkes Béla ifj. cigányzenekara; Composer: -
Publisher: "Diadal" Record;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
53404 plays
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Record number:
G. C.-70438
Genre: nyitány
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Record number:

Lekaszálták már a rétet

Artist: Rózsa S. Lajos, Toll Árpád és Toll Károly cigányzenekara; Composer: Kömives Imre - Nagy Zoltán
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: hallgató
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Record number:

Hoci a szádat (Paródia)

Artist: Göndör Aurél, Márkus Alfréd (zongora); Composer: Sterny, Courquin
Publisher: Szabadi Record;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: polka
5574 plays
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Record number:

Mondja, kedves Bimsensteinné (II. rész)

Artist: Gyárfás Dezső, ismeretlen zenekar; Composer: Zerkovitz Béla - Zerkovitz Béla
Publisher: Premier Record;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
10451 plays
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Record number:

Musika Proibita

Artist: Felix Silbers (szárnykürt), Ludwig Gruber (zongora); Composer: Stanislao Gastaldon
Publisher: Premier Record;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: dal
10003 plays
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Record number:
D 513

Tele van az élet rejtelemmel

Artist: Harmath Ilona, ismeretlen zenész (zongora); Composer: Jacobi Viktor - Bródy Miksa, Martos Ferenc
Publisher: "Diadal" Record;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
53334 plays
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Record number:

A kék róka

Artist: Ferenczy Károly, ismeretlen zenekar; Composer: Zerkovitz Béla
Publisher: Baby-Record;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: kuplé
39067 plays
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Record number:
1-71861 D

Unsere Gesellen

Artist: Favorite-Elite-Orchester; Composer: -
Publisher: Favorite Record;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: induló
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Record number:

Tündökletes éj (Júliusi éj)

Artist: Király Ernő, Harmath Ilona, ismeretlen zenekar; Composer: Rényi Aladár - Martos Ferenc
Publisher: Szabadi Record;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: keringő
7047 plays
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Record number:


Artist: Harmath Ilona, Rátkai Márton, ismeretlen zenekar; Composer: Jacobi Viktor - Martos Ferenc, Bródy Miksa
Publisher: Premier Record;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: duett
10131 plays
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1 comment
Record number:
A. 17584.


Artist: Göndör Aurél, ismeretlen fúvószenekar; Composer: Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle
Publisher: Baby-Record;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: himnusz
5680 plays
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Record number:

Tele van a város akácfavirággal

Artist: Berkes Béla cigányzenekara; Composer: Fráter Lóránd - Szabolcska Mihály
Publisher: Special-Rekord;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: hallgató
10333 plays
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Record number:
No. 7209

Schlesinger a telefonnál

Artist: Göndör Aurél, Adorján László, Adorján Lászlóné; Composer: Adorján László
Publisher: Baby-Record;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
7209 plays
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Record number:


Artist: K. u. k. Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 51; Composer: Josef Strauss
Publisher: A.B.C. Grand Record;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: induló
54015 plays
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Record number:

Nem tudom én mi van vélem

Artist: Nádor Jenő, Vincze Zsigmond (zongora); Composer: Sas Náci
Publisher: Dacapo-Record;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
Genre: hallgató
5715 plays
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Record number:
8010 plays
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Record number:
U. 47445

Az ivóban

Artist: Göndör Aurél, Adorján László, Adorján Lászlóné, ismeretlen cigányzenekar; Composer: -
Publisher: Lyrophon;
Date of recording: 1911 körül; Date of publication: 1970-01-01
47444 plays
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201-220 / total 488 hit

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